A beef purchase from YCC assures you of a consistent and predictable product from the first package to the last. The beef you prepare and eat is from the same high quality and flavorful carcass each and every time, whether it be steaks, roasts, or premium ground beef. When considering that ground beef at the restaurant and retail level is a grind and mix of several carcasses, the makeup of the beef then becomes random; factors such as age and source verification of the cattle, genetic makeup, antibiotic and implant usage.
Conception to Consumer.
Know that our product is exactly that: conception to consumer. All cattle for our beef program are bred, born, raised, and fed to finish here. No outside source of purchased cattle or unknown breed or origin. Angus and only Angus from registered parents that stem from our seedstock program are eligible for our custom beef products. Through worldwide marketing by the American beef industry, the term “Angus Beef” has become the name associated most with being the go to choice for flavorful dining. Yearous Cattle Company is proud to be a producer of Angus cattle and beef.
Call 970.768.4011 for availability and pricing.